Where can I access my past and present orders?
To view your current or previous orders, simply log in to your A Silveraas account and navigate to the "My Orders" section. If you encounter any issues locating your orders, please contact our support team at silveraasofficial@gmail.com .
How can I cancel my order?
You can cancel your order by contacting our support team at silveraasofficial@gmail.com or through your profile section. Please note that orders can only be canceled before they are confirmed for processing.
How can I cancel my order that is already in transit?
To view your current or previous orders, simply log in to your A Silveraas account and navigate to the "My Orders" section. If you encounter any issues locating your orders, please contact our support team at silveraasofficial@gmail.com .
How can I modify the address and phone information after I place the order?
Address modifications are permitted until the order is confirmed. Please contact our support team at silveraasofficial@gmail.com or reach out to our expert at +91 6354821957 for assistance. Address changes are not permitted after the order has been shipped.
When will the order be shipped?
We typically ship orders within 2-3 business days of order confirmation. For Made To Order items, the dispatch date and details will be sent to you via e-mail or any other medium provided by you.
What do I do if my shipment is delayed?
If your shipment is delayed, a new delivery timeframe will be communicated to you when you track your shipment on our website. For additional questions or concerns, please contact our support team.
If I am unavailable, can my security guard or a neighbor receive my shipment?
We prefer to deliver packages directly to the intended recipient. If you are unavailable, you can provide an alternative person to receive the delivery. Please inform our delivery partner accordingly.​
How can I get my shipment delivered if I missed it today?
If you miss a delivery attempt, the courier will typically attempt delivery again on the next business day.
My shipment is out for delivery. When will I receive it?
Shipments out for delivery should be received between 9 AM to 8 PM on the same day. For any concerns, please contact our support team.
Can I avail for an open delivery?
We do not currently offer open delivery services. However, if you have any product-related issues, please contact our support team for assistance.
How can I get my delivery agent's phone number?
For security reasons, our delivery partners do not disclose the phone numbers of their delivery agents. Rest assured, the delivery agent will contact you if needed.
What if I returned the wrong product?
Please ensure that the products being returned are correct. If you mistakenly return the wrong product, please contact our support team for assistance.